Tricia (Rowley) McCollum
Early Childhood Intervention Specialist
Tricia (Rowley) McCollum has worked in the field of special education for the past 15 years, first as a teacher and then an administrator. She spent a large amount of that time working with preschool children who have autism spectrum disorders and their families. She is currently working on her Ph.D. through Kent State University, with a focus on interventions to help support young children with autism spectrum disorders in inclusive early childhood settings.
Tricia lives in Geauga County with her husband, Michael. They have 3 children - Caiden, Elizabeth, and Chase.
Chase was born at only 24 weeks, making him a micro preemie. He had a long stay in the hospital and still struggles with on-going health issues, including mild cerebral palsy and chronic lung disease. Tricia feels that her experiences with her own son, as well as the children she has worked with over the years; helps her to understand what families are going through when a loved one has a serious health issue.